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Welcome To Dream Profession Organize
Dream Profession is a company that will help you earn a small income..
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Earn Subscription
Monthly Fee: 250BDT
Daily Earn: 20 BDT
Total Earn: 600 BDT

Half Year Fee: 1000 BDT
Daily Earn: 20 BDT
Total Earn: 3600 BDT

Yearly Fee: 1800 BDT
Daily Earn: 20 BDT
Total Earn: 7200 BDT
Profit every second!
Profit comes automatically, every second live before your eyes
Withdrawal of funds
Form a withdrawal of funds whenever and however much you want in any convenient payment direction
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Earn Affiliated Program
We offer a profitable affiliate program. 50 BDT must be deposited to join our affiliate program. You will get affiliate link after making affiliate fixed amount. You can earn 25 BDT profit per person when new member is added by that link invite. If you can add 100 people you can earn 2500 BDT profit.
Register | Present +30$
House 11, Road 62, Gulshan 2, Dhaka, Bangladesh